Hi everybody it's me again. I am at work and looking at wedding stuff and thought that I would post again. This blogging is turning into a bad habit. Not nearly as bad as some people but yeah I do it a lot. So for the past 3 months or so Beth and I have been living together and man this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I never had to really share a living space with someone like this and the adjustment is definitely different. Throughout college I had a roommate for one year and then I was an RA so I had the room to myself and did as I pleased. When I was growing up I shared a room with my brothers but let's be honest I was in charge and I told my brothers how things were going to go and still did as I pleased because I was the oldest. On top of trying to adjust to another person and there likes and dislikes, throw in Murdock and the wedding plans and it is enough to make your head spin.
Now the reason I bring this up is because I have been acting like jackass for a while. Looking back at the past three months I feel really bad. I have not been the most courteous person in the world and it is taking a lot longer to think about how the things I do in the house effect Beth but I am getting there. I feel bad mostly because Beth is so stressed beyond imagination. Between the wedding plans and getting stuff figured out, making sure we get bills taken care of, family and house things that come up, dealing with my absent-mindness (sometimes), etc. It can be a real pain. So I have been trying a whole heck of a lot harder as of late to help her out and take care of things. I don't work near as much as she does so I try keeping the house in order and running any errands she needs done during the day. I also have been trying to help with the wedding planning and money management stuff but there is only so much that can be done there. I hope that doing the little things will be a help to her and she can feel a little more at ease.
The point of this whole post is two-fold. First I am realizing the wrong in my ways and I am trying to make amends for it. This sounds corny and sappy but I honestly feel like a different and changed person (in a good way) and am 100% invested in making sure this marriage, nest, relationship, and anything else we are involved in works like a well running machine and that we have as few bumps as possible. I know I can be a jerk and right now is definitely not the time to be one. We need to work together like we have done so well in the past and we will be OK. Second I want to give Beth all the credit in the world that she deserves and then some. As stated before she is stressed out and doing way more than she has to but she does it anyways. I am very grateful to have her in my life and wish I could've been more of a help from the beginning. But at least I realized my bad ways and am trying to change. I know things will work out and we can both be better for it.
May, revisited
14 years ago
I'm not an expert on marriage by a long shot, but I always assumed that's what marriage was about- sacrifice. Helping each other. You're in a married mindset! Yay!