Would you believe me if I told you I was addicted to something?
Would you believe me if I told you that I was addicted to something that's good for you?
And free?
Still believe me?
I can't lie any longer.
I love water. Plain, cold water.
Within the last two months, I've made it my goal to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I know it sounds daunting, especially for those of you who don't drink much water to begin with.
I was once a minimal water drinker, but I overcame, and so can you.
It's unbelievable the difference I began seeing in just a week of increasing my water intake. Almost instantly, I was less hungry. My skin was more hydrated, too (I used to put on hand lotion once or twice daily at work because it would be so dry -- lately -- once a week, if I remember!). Coupled with my effort to eat less and exercise more, I was losing weight -- not just a pound or two, but noticeable weight loss.
I'm sure there were more benefits that I don't realize, but that is what I saw quickly, and that was enough to make me a believer.
The secret?
I keep a 1 liter water bottle at my desk at work. I fill it up in the morning and try to drink it before lunch (4 cups). After lunch, I refill it, and try to drink it before I leave (another 4 cups). This way, I can still indulge in a soda during lunch or coffee in the morning, and not worry, because I've already gotten my 8 cups. Any extra water I drink (especially during workouts) is just icing on the cake. Lately, I find that 8 cups just isn't enough for me anymore. Now, I find myself drink 9-10 on a daily basis, and still getting thirsty at night!
Did you know that the less water you drink, the more water weight you have? Ironically, the more water you drink, the more water your body wants to shed, helping you lose weight. Once your body starts consistently getting enough water, it feels secure enough to start shedding the excess, helping you lose the water weight. If you're not getting enough, or not consistent with your water intake, your body clings to any water that enters your body, for fear of not having enough.
Makes sense to me. I'm a believer.
Honestly, give it a try. Keep 8 pennies on a counter, a windowsill, or at your desk. Each time you drink a glass, move a penny to a second stack. It's a simple visual reminder that also gives you a sense of accomplishment.
Report back with your water drinking, stat. Trust me, in weeks, you'll be singing its praises, too!
May, revisited
14 years ago
I don't know...you sound an awful lot like Tom there:) Maybe I'll give it a try???