So I noticed that neither Beth nor I have posted on here lately so I figured I would take the time to do so. I thought since I am bored at work that this is how I will let the time go by. So I figured I would dedicate this post to Murdock.
I have been home during the day with him and then I go to work and Beth comes home. But the reason I state this is because is the large amounts of time I have spent with him he has done some of the funniest things I have ever seen a dog do. So there is no purpose to this post but to maybe make you life or at least smile. I know I do just thinking about what he does. So here we go:
These are in no order whatsoever
Incident #1-(I don't think Beth has heard the whole story) Two weeks ago I was attempting to paint the kitchen (that's not the funny part). I had everything cleared and covered in drop cloths and was getting ready to paint. Well there was one problem I thought a white dog with green paint was not a good mix so I put a barrier in the hall way to keep him out of the kitchen. So I am in the kitchen painting and I have the can open and poured out so I can roll it. I hear the phone ring and had to grab it. Murdock saw that I could walk over the barrier and figured he could to. So he hopped a 3 foot high barrier and went into the kitchen. I come back and his head is in the paint bucket and he was drinking the paint. So I yell at him and run to get the paint from him and he pulls his head out and has green all over. To make things worse he starting running in the kitchen to get away from me. Well his traction in the kitchen is bad and with the cloth down it was worse. So I have this green-headed dog running and slipping and sliding and pulling up all the cloth in the kitchen getting paint everywhere while all I wanted was to clean him up. To make it worse he forgot how he got in there so we kept going in circles in the kitchen. I was ticked and laughing at the same time because anyone watching from the outside would think that this is the dumbest thing they had ever seen and I would've agreed. In the end I got a hold of him and cleaned him up but then spent the next 45 minutes reorganizing and making sure there was no paint on the floor or table.
Incident #2-One morning Beth and I decided to sleep in and Murdock didn't like that. We were warm so the comforter was sitting on the floor at the edge of the bed. He proceeded to sit on the end of the bed and bark at us. I sat up and he started to back up. The problem is there was nothing to back up on. He continued barking and backed up right off the bed on to the floor. It was funny to witness but might not be funny to you.
Incident #3-I decided to take Murdock when I went running in the morning. He knew what his leash meant and was excited to go out. So we went on a little less than a mile jog and when we got back he was beat. I got myself a drink of water and so did he. Murdock then went into the living room and crashed on the floor. I thought I would reward him and went to give him a milk bone. I called him and wouldn't come to me so I went into the living room and he wouldn't even look at me. I held the milk bone and he wouldn't acknowledge it. So I put in on the floor and jumped in the shower. I then came out of the shower and sat on the couch. He proceeded to get up and go into the other room. About 4 hours later he finally acknowledged me. I am pretty sure he was mad at me. I got a kick out of it.
Incident #4-Another running one. As we were running one day, Murdock was being his hyper self and running in diagonals on the side walk. I know if you ever tried running behind a dog doing this my suggestion is don't. For the whole mile or so we jog he tripped me and I fell flat on my face 3 or four times. The best part is that I run in the neighborhood and the neighbors would be getting the paper or going to work and would see this big guy lumbering down the sidewalk and get taken out by a 30 pound dog. I guess he got me back for the first time I took him running. But for the record he loves going running with me now and the one day I didn't go he whined all day so Beth and I went for a walk later that day.
Incident #5-So Murdock and wildlife do not get along. One morning he was at the back door barking and I went to let him out. I put him on he leash and he tore out the back door. I look up and there is a rabbit in the yard...wonderful. he chased the rabbit and when he ran out of line broke his leash off and continued to chase it. We have this big bushes in the back yard and on the other side is a parking lot to a hospital outpatient center. Well I was thinking oh crap and went after him. Now picture this you are parking your car and getting out to go to work or a doctors appointment and you look to your right and out of the bushes comes this guy in his boxers and all he says is "I am getting my dog". And I swear Murdock has a smirk on his face, if he could, and was laughing his butt off because when I got on the parking lot he was just sitting there looking at me with that "what's up Tom" kind of an attitude.
Incident #6-Another wildlife one. I was cleaning in the kitchen one morning and I hear Murdock barking. It was a mean bark but the bark he does when he is playing. So I walk out into the backyard to see what is going on. When I get out there I find Murdock standing on top of a seagull! He wasn't biting it or clawing at it but standing on it barking at it. I yelled at him and he got off and the bird flew away. I went back into the house thinking wtf?
Incident#6-Rabbits again. So I was in the back yard doing yard work and Murdock was chilling under the patio chairs to stay out of the sun. A rabbit comes out of the bushes and Murdock is eyeing this thing as it hops across the yard. I am sitting thinking great he's going to kill this thing. So he springs into action and goes after it. He gets near it and swiped its back legs out from underneath it and the rabbit ended up on it's back. The funny part is that he jumps in the air to pounce on the thing and how he looked in the air had me rolling on the floor laughing. He was in the most awkward position and the rabbit had time to flip over and take off. When Murdock came down he was all mad and turned around and started barking at me like it was my fault.
Incident #7- OK so I had to get up early for work yesterday and I realized I was freezing in our room. When I looked at the blanket I realized it was around my waist and I tried pulling it up but couldn't. Side note: Murdock hates being under or wrapped up in blankets. So I look and he is at the bottom of the blanket stuck because the sheet was tucked in is Murdock. So I am watching him flip out because he can't get out and I am trying to pull on the blanket. Eventually he gets out and runs into the living room and stayed there until I came out. Sometimes I question his intelligence.
Incident #8- Alright so I was playing with Murdock and his tug-o-war rope. He was getting frustrated because I wouldn't let go of my end. He kept stopping and barking and I wouldn't budge. So I was watching TV and still holding on to the rope. Well he was pulling and pulling and let go he ran around the coffee table behind me and nipped me! I jumped and let go of the rope and he ran under the table snagged his rope and left. No that was smart on his part.
Incident #9-So one morning I hear Murdock rustling in the back yard. I go out there and he has my charcoal bag and is shaking the bag in the yard and briquettes are going everywhere. I go out there clean it up and hide it under yard tools. He goes moves the tools takes the bag and does it again. I discipline him and then bring him in. Well he decided the take this long stick looking toy he as and start shaking his help and the stick. Well Beth had neatly stacked all our boxes and stuff from our shower the day before and now Murdock was knocking all of the over. I yelled at him picked the stuff up and as I was doing that he grabbed a gift bag full of tissue paper and other gift bags a proceeded to shake that until everything was out of the bag and then proceeded o trot to the corner of the living room and chill out and watch me clean it all up.
These might not be too funny to you but I chuckle every time I think about any of them. In talking to Beth last night I think she nailed it on the head. It is only fitting that we got a dog who has just as much of an attitude as we do. he is so smart, sometimes he is too smart, and he knows what he is doing when he is doing it. I am very glad we have him and can't imagine who would abandon a dog like that. For those who don't know when he was very young his previous owner took him to a vet to get dewormed and never came back for him. He then was placed at a high kill shelter and then the adoption agency found him. We then found him and brought him home. I have a feeling he loves us and we love him. I kid about his being a pain and a dummy but really he is just a baby and is hyper, curious, and too smart for his own good. Hopefully you enjoyed this and I will try to update you with any other funny Murdock stories. Later!
May, revisited
14 years ago
It took me a while to read this all but these are hilarious! A seagull? Really?
ReplyDeleteYou're right- too smart that he appears dumb/crazy.