He was SO good this weekend --- he didn't once try to lick his incision, he played more gentle, he slept a lot, and he cuddled (which he rarely does!). Even his barking has been reduced!

As witnessed by the picture above, I've found him more and more up on the couch, something we'd like to break him of doing. Pre-surgery, Murdock HAD to be in the same room as one of us, no matter where we were or what we were doing. Now, it's like playing hide and seek with him. If we don't hear him running around in the living room, we have to check the bedroom, where he's been known to curl up in a pile of laundry, instead of on his bed which is 2 feet away. Occasionally, and this is the biggest surprise of all, we'll find him sleeping in his crate with the door open.
I think he's becoming more comfortable in his surroundings, and has learned what is his and what is not (which is reducing the trouble he used to get in). He's responding better to commands (he finally responded to "Go get a toy" and went to his toy basket and brought one back to me last night!), instead of just staring and wagging his tail. I was also working on "lay" with him last night. Once we get "come" and "no bark" figured out, we'll be all good! :)
On a side note, Tom is currently in Colorado studying how athletes respond to different altitudes during training. He was at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs yesterday (and was in the same building as Michael Phelps, who actually refused to meet the tour group, butthead), and will be visiting the National Strength and Conditioning Association (who awarded Tom an All-American award last year), the United States Air Force Academy, Coors Field (where the Rockies play), and a few other places. In addition, he'll be hiking Pikes Peak!
Hopefully he'll be able to sign on and give everyone a complete recap of his trip, including pictures!! :)
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